Toby’s Story

Look for Toby’s memoir, Living with Conviction available on Amazon. Since her release from prison, Toby remarried, completed two graduate degrees, and built a successful web design business.

As certified mediators and trained Stephen Ministers, Toby and her husband, Chris, started a non-profit group that mentors felons. She has also served as a board member for the Salvation Army and the Sedalia Symphony. Toby has made appearances on Anderson Cooper, Brooke Baldwin, Inside Edition, and regularly speaks to college classes, halfway houses, church groups, and professional women’s organizations. She has been featured on dozens of podcasts including the nationally popular podcast, Criminal. Check out her media appearances…

Toby rebuilt her life, determined to follow God’s direction and use her story to make a difference in women’s lives. Her mission now is to serve and support women. When all seems lost, God gives second chances.

Her story provides inspiration and a road map to redemption. Learn more on her website,

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